Notice Board
AllJunePride MonthCelebrates 2SLGBTQQ1A+ culture, achievements, and activism through a variety of activities, festivals, marches among other events and programs.
AllJuneNational Indigenous History MonthHonours the history, heritage, and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada. It recognizes their strengths and resilience in these communities.
21JuneNational Indigenous Peoples DayRecognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nationals, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada. It also recognizes the impact of colonization and many achievements of these communities amidst significant adversity.
21JuneSummer SolsticeThe sun reaches the highest point in the sky.
27JuneCanadian Multiculturalism DayHonors the many cultural communities that help build a strong and vibrant Canadian society. Take the opportunity to celebrate and appreciate diversity, inclusion, equity, and respect for all.
About Us
Working together for greater mental health, one step at a time
Amani Routes Counselling was founded in May 2021 by Cece Tardiff.
The name Amani was inspired by Cece's second language, Swahili, which means peace.
Amani Routes Counselling mainly provides mental health counselling to individuals and groups. The company's vision is to see every individual have the ability to seek and access mental health support whenever they need it. It's mission is to provide mental health support and well-being to all. Wouldn't it be such a wonderful world where we are all able to be okay with NOT being okay and not feeling judged or stigmatized for it?? Our biggest goal is to be a part of the change we want to see in the world. To have mental health at the forefront of everything we do. Because there is simply no health without mental health!
The name Amani was inspired by Cece's second language, Swahili, which means peace.
Amani Routes Counselling mainly provides mental health counselling to individuals and groups. The company's vision is to see every individual have the ability to seek and access mental health support whenever they need it. It's mission is to provide mental health support and well-being to all. Wouldn't it be such a wonderful world where we are all able to be okay with NOT being okay and not feeling judged or stigmatized for it?? Our biggest goal is to be a part of the change we want to see in the world. To have mental health at the forefront of everything we do. Because there is simply no health without mental health!

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Frequently Asked Questions
Debit, Visa/Master card, etransfer, PayPal
We direct bill to Blue Cross and Non-Insured Health Benefits for First Nations (NIHB - For Brandon and area residents, and selected regions.)
Sometimes. These can be requested, arranged, and accommodated on a case by case basis
Clients can attend counselling as long as they want and need. There is no cap on this unless dictated by your insurance provider
Yes. We provide online/Virtual Counselling services to a variety of people outside the city of Brandon. This also includes anger management sessions as well.
We only provide individual counselling services, group anger management sessions, and individual Anger Management sessions at this time. We anticipate to provide more group sessions in the near future
Yes, as long as you reside in Brandon and area, and selected regions. Direct billing is available for this as well